
Government to investigate bauxite company penalty evasion


Government to investigate bauxite company penalty
Government to investigate bauxite company penalty


Amewu who was unhappy with the company for flouting on the country's mining laws called.

on the management to arrange an emergency meeting to address all the lapses in their.

books within two weeks.

He said the allegations of the tax invasion by Ghana Bauxite may be.

due to their declaration of loses.

He said the Chinese managers sell bauxite to its mother company in China.

at a price lower than what prevails on the international market which contributes to the.



Amewu said Ghana has been short changed for long and said government would advise itself.

after studying the company's 2017 financial statement.

However, the General Manager of Ghana Bauxite Company JF Fang denied the company.

has failed to pay penalty for axleload overloading.

GBC's Felix Cofie filed this report


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