
1st August, 2018

The Ghanaian Times applauds the government for the bold steps taken to revamp the railway sector, which had been neglected over the years...

1st August, 2018
1st August, 2018

The Ghanaian Times applauds the government for the bold steps taken to revamp the railway.

sector, which had been neglected over the years.

The paper believes that the extension of the railway system to Burkina Faso forms part.

of Ghana's commitment to ECOWAS.

The paper is hopeful that the new railway transport system will ease pressure on the.

country's existing roads and ensure their longer lifespan thereby saving governments from constructing new roads.

every now and then.

The Daily Graphic agrees with a statement by an Industrialist, Tony Oteng-Gyasi that.

Ghana has failed in its attempt to industrialise due to the lack of a clear.

national strategy.

The paper therefore finds it heartwarming that the banks have joined the effort by finding.

ways to reduce interest rates and pledging to support the one-district, one-factory initiative.

The Graphic urges the Central Bank to continue reforms in the banking sector for better.

quality in lending services.

It ends by commending stanbic and other commercial banks for initiating free advisory services for.

their clients.

The Daily Heritage is worried about how some parents have thrown caution to.

the wind and do not show much concern about their children's education.

This attitude the paper believes is adversely affecting the academic performance of the children since.

they are not guided to study after instructional hours.

The paper believes that the academic excellence of pupils is a collective responsibility where parents,.

the government and the Ghana Education Service GES must play their roles effectively.

It therefore urges GES to intensity its mechanism of monitoring and evaluating teachers to ensure.

that they make good use of the learning hours.



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