
Zimbabwe's MDC Alliance says Chamisa beat Mnangagwa

Zimbabwe's opposition says its candidate, Nelson Chamisa, has won Monday's presidential election...

Zimbabwe's MDC Alliance says Chamisa beat Mna
Zimbabwe's MDC Alliance says Chamisa beat Mna

Zimbabwe's opposition says its candidate, Nelson Chamisa, has won Monday's presidential election.

The MDC Alliance said the ruling Zanu-PF party was attempting to rig the.

vote to allow President Emmerson Mnangagwa to win, and the delay in releasing official results.

was unacceptable.

The electoral commission urged patience, saying it needed time to collate the votes.

The polls were the first since long-serving ruler Robert Mugabe was ousted.

The vote attracted a high turnout of 70% and was monitored by international.


Speaking at a press conference in the capital, Harare, the MDC Alliance's Tendai.

Biti said there was a clear attempt by Zanu-PF to interfere "with the people's will".

He warned the party not to "plunge Zimbabwe into chaos".

The opposition announcement pre-empted official results.

A Zanu-PF spokesman told the BBC he had "no clue" what Mr Biti.

was talking about.

And Home Affairs Minister Obert Mpofu said those who violated election rules by.

prematurely declaring victory risked incurring the "wrath of the law".

Zanu-PF, which has been in power since Zimbabwe won independence from Britain in.

1980, has been accused of rigging previous elections to keep Mr Mugabe in office.


Mnangagwa has promised a free and fair election.

There have been celebratory scenes outside the MDC Alliance headquarters in Harare.

Crowds have been blocking the road, singing and dancing, since Mr, Biti said.

that Mr.

Chamisa had won.

A truckload of policemen and water cannon drove near the building in an.

apparent show of force.

However, many businesses reopened on Tuesday after being shut on voting day, a.

public holiday.


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